It is part of our job to keep you informed on what is happening
in the world so you can understand today’s realities.
WANT MORE WORK HERE for ALL musicians! And
unless you know what you’re up against, you don’t have a

Now to the locations in Seattle, London, Brataslava, Prague,
Barcelona, and a continually growing list of other recording
cities you can add Sydney, Australia.



Sydney, Australia now has a remote recording company and completed
its latest project for a major US film score, Jumper.

Sydney can record remotely with the composer sitting here in Los Angeles.
We could fill you in on the details, but we are not here to advertise these
services, only to try to make our brethren understand the nature and
advanced state of remote recording. It is not amateurish and will only
improve over time, becoming a bigger threat the longer we refuse to become

Although it has become a knee-jerk response, don’t blame this messenger.
If anyone, blame those who kept us from avoiding this situation.

If you don’t like the reality of today’s market, work to change it. If not
for the Committee, chances are you wouldn‘t have a clue about these
developments. For 20 years, this Local’s message to our industry has
been: “Producers, you have a choice between our elite, high-budget
crew and everywhere else on earth.” What a surprise so many chose
“everywhere else on earth.” Keeping abreast of advances in that
competition is not only prudent, but not to do so is tantamount to suicide.




From: Mike Dana
Conversation: Music position at FCC
Subject: Music position at FCC

Fresno City College will have an opening this Fall
for a new Director of Bands, as our long-time colleague Gary Deeter is
retiring. The search is on for his replacement. This is a full-time,
tenure-track position. Details are available on the Chronicle of
Higher Ed website:

and also on the District web site:

The FCC music department has 6 full-time and 18 adjunct faculty. We offer band, orchestral, choral, opera, chamber, and jazz ensembles of every description. There
are five different music major specializations, a new computer lab, a large jazz studies program, and many courses in commercial music. In other words, there’s good stuff
going on here! For more info, see:
(it’s position #2592)


Michael Dana
Chair, Music Department
Fresno City College
1101 E. University Ave.
Fresno CA 93741
(559) 442-4600 ext. 8463

The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films is primarily an Industry Film Society that screens over 140 films per year. The membership fee is only $140 for the entire year, and you can bring a guest to every screening. That breaks down to about fifty cents a movie.

How much did you pay the last time you took someone to the movies? At least $20 for two people, not including popcorn, sodas and candy. It’s the best deal on this or any other Planet. 😉

To download a membership application, please go to the Academy’s website:


*** FEBRUARY 23rd ***

Los Angeles Pierce College Department of Music Presents
San Fernando Valley
Symphony Orchestra
James Domine, Music Director

In Concert
Saturday Evening Feb. 23, 2008 at 8 pm
Pierce College Performing Arts Theater

Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony #9 in D minor (Choral)
Pierce College Philharmonic Choir
Terry Danne, director

James Domine
Bass Clarinet Concerto
Steven Piazza, bass clarinetist

General Admission: $25
Students & Seniors: $20
Children under 12: $15
For ticket information and group rates call
(818) 347-4807
visit our web site:




Tailgates – where the trombone plays a rhythmic line underneath
trumpets or cornets – take their name from the New Orleans funeral
processionals. The tradition was for brass bands to be transported
on trucks through the streets. The tailgates of these vehicles were
lowered to allow trombonists freedom of movement for their slides.



The comments below represent the uncensored views of the readers
and not necessarily those of the COMMITTEE. In the faith that
freedom of expression allows for the birth and ascendancey of the
most beneficial ideas, all sentiments expressed are welcome, subject
to the bounds of good taste and decorum. If you disagree with an
opinion expressed by any contributor, we encourage you to rebut it here.


I would ask that our union not sell our names and phone numbers to political
causes that it thinks represent our interests. I have received several calls
so far requesting a yes vote on an unconstitutional phone tax that the city
of Los Angeles is trying to ram through. I was told by the callers that they
represented my labor union. The tax is illegal and the city government is
trying to portray this as a tax “cut”. I think this is also very important
with an upcoming election that whatever labor’s political bias may be, it
should stay out of issues that don’t have anything to do with the business
of music.


Hal Espinosa, Local 47 President, has an unfavorable view of some reader
contributions published by “The Committee.” So it goes.
If the information is inaccurate correct it, if correct get it out there. The
process at work.

Hal thinks it’s sad that the union is being criticized, and so forth. You want sad? I’ll give you sad:

It’s sad that every time the bromide “in solidarity” is mentioned you know it is a BIG LIE. This administration is in practice committed to a hierarchy of privilege while rhetorically claiming to serve all members “in solidarity.” The administration is intellectually dishonest but justifies its actions with the rationale that the ends justify the means. (“In Solidarity” reminds me of “Arbeit Macht Frei.”)

It’s sad and hypocritical to reproach dissent as being divisive. The Espinosa administration has deeply divided the membership between those in the RMA Rolodex and those who are not, for example. The administration has interfered with, denigrated and harassed law-abiding, tax- and dues-paying musicians attempting to improve their working lives. The administration declares that lifelong dues-paying members in good standing become “scabs” overnight because they want to work. That is divisive, nay, it is disgraceful. And un-American.

It’s sad the harassment extends to rehearsals at the union: harassment of long-term members in good standing.

It’s sad the powers-that-be feel it necessary to run work out of town for the benefit of a few. What union deprives its members of the opportunity to work? The union, violating principles of market economics and American liberty denies musicians work. That is unacceptable. Economic freedom anyone?

It’s sad members are deliberately propagandized by terminology like “runaway production,” and the ever-stupid “race to the bottom.” It’s sad “dark” dates are winked at while honest buyouts are prohibited. It’s sad there is so little integrity and vision. It is corruption. It is a disgrace.

It’s sad the union feels the need to threaten its own members.

Unions were formed to protect and represent the vulnerable in a rough-and-tumble marketplace. Sadly, here in LA Local 47 serves the convenience of the least vulnerable in the marketplace. But the most vulnerable provide much of the financing. Forced unionism is not nice.

It’s sad Hal feels a little bit of dissent is “unacceptable.” It’s sad the totalitarian pulse beats strong at Local 47. It’s sad there is not full-blown debate and dissent at every General Meeting.

Sadly, the administration hides behind the BIG LIE and attempts to discredit the little dissent extant rather than engage the ideas put forth. This administration possesses the kind of elitist moral arrogance that allows them to believe they have the right to control important aspects of the lives of others. In self-righteousness they make decisions for the group, riding roughshod on the rights of individuals. (“We know what is best for you; we know what work you should do; we will be the judge of when expediency trumps principle [when? Always].”)

Unfortunately for the Espinosa administration the American ethos is based on the rights of individuals. Americans don’t want or need kings or dictators, nor do we believe in top-down control of industries.

It’s sad union activists use the siege mentality as a tactic. One hears about evil “union-busters” and the like. Reality is, there is a difference between opposing unions per se and opposing forced unionism. No one is against the rights of citizens to freely associate and form unions and guilds; what many are against is compulsory unionism wherein union membership is a condition of employment: big difference, but understanding it requires critical thinking.

Sadly, the dirty little secret about unions is if the decisions of individuals were driven by liberty rather than coercion a lot of them would tell the unions to go fly kites. Unions know this and thus cannot allow that degree of individual liberty. Welcome to socialism. This is where conflict with the laws of the United States begins and the ultimate failure of forced unionism is foreshadowed.

It’s sad the union does not fairly represent the whole membership. It is sadder still that most musicians in LA apparently find this travesty acceptable.

Yes, there is plenty to be sad about but it is not the contributions to this forum. It is sad Hal Espinosa’s myopia is such that he sees contributions to this forum only as “efforts to divide.” Maybe he is just trying to silence critics and dramatize “the siege.” And rigidly maintain the status quo.

It is good we have “The Commitee.” It has become indispensable to honest open dialog and free speech about union matters. Keep up the good work.

Rick Blanc (please attach name)


The reason the Committee is necessary to the health of our Local is:
There is NO LEADERSHIP in our administration.
Not one of our Officers makes the slightest attempt to lead, counsel,
reconcile, fix, or change anything.

Case in point:
It took the well-spoken words of Val Ewell at a recent General Meeting to
calm the “us versus them” environment of the evening.
No one on the podium followed his lead; they were more interested in being
done and going home.


Here’s the big picture: Modern recording technology will continue developing its global capacity. Market forces will continue to drive recording to more places in the world other than LA. We don’t like this. But we have no control over the technology or the market forces.

Here’s the little Local 47 picture: Work dues from Motion Picture/TV will continue to decline. Local 47’s only paths to staying solvent are to slash spending or to increase dues from other sources. The only work dues that can continue to increase are from live performance. You’d think the administration would do everything in its power to help the growth of union live gigs, which would bring in work dues. SELA has helped a lot. But the administration’s protracted bumbling and fumbling about the referral service, especially its website, shows it is either blind to this reality or doesn’t care.

Harriet Katz


This Comment inspired several responses:

“What started out as being informative has turned into vindictive
nonsense written by people who don’t even have the courage to
identify themselves{I am sure the people who do the hiring
know who you are anyway so I don’t buy that defense} take me
off your list!!!!!!!!”

(my comment): And by the way, who are YOU?

And also this response…

My “vindictive” and no-nonsense response:

What started out as being informative has grown into a forum for free political thinking, written by people who have the courage to speak up, knowing they will be attacked and ridiculed for their views. (I am sure the people who all hiring you know who you are, so I don’t buy your attack) Keep me on the list!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, I invite critical thinking from other critical thinkers. But I am sorry this person will not read my E-mail, but Mr/Ms didn’t leave a name. I guess they wanted to remain anonymous. “A world where you can’t tell people what you think with out fear of reprisal, is a world on it’s way to the ultimate dictatorship.” – a quote from my memoirs.

[Editor’s Comment – In defense to the original comment’s author, we must point out that the writer did include their name, but as it is our policy, we kept the writer anonymous.]


[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following was forwarded to us from an AFM Blog]
The problem is, so much of the work has left that there is little left. The group of people who record is “elite” only because so much of the work is gone and controlled by too few people. There are many recoding musicians who have no use for the RMA and have never been members, but if someone wants to be a recording musician (for film) they feel the RMA is the only place to go. It’s not true of course, but their propaganda machine works very well.

Like it or not, the Video Game buyout has brought back work that would never have been done union otherwise. If not for the RMA’s bonehead stunt with the Simpson’s sessions, San Francisco would not be getting the lion’s share of those sessions now (ON CONTRACT). Also, Seattle would not have been able to make such a dent in the film work if not for the expense in LA and the backend.

We have to work TOGETHER to fix this situation, but as it is so much film work has been lost that the Recording folks are now looking to take the jobs of those who’ve made a living in live orchestras for years. They’re even working to take whatever side-lining work is around. We’ve already seen it with the takeover of the Pasadena Pops Orchestra by the RMA heavy Pasadena Symphony. The irony is that the recording musicians have destroyed their own industry, yet try to blame others. Now they want to take over what’s left.

Did Lee force you to charge what you did for years? Did Lee force you to sabotage five days of doubles because you didn’t like the contract?

Stop whining, you did it to yourselves. We’re all reaping what you’ve sown. Deal with it.



Our next meeting is coming up on April 28th. Please plan on attending. As we’ve seen, the RMA is now packing meetings to do their business and undo those policies favorable to the rank and file.

Your voice: use it or lose it.

Until next time,


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